Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 While designing an RC mat foundation, it becomes relatively uncertain if the results are reliable or not. Some of the reasons for this maybe the following:

- Area springs should act only in compression. This means that a non linear analysis should be carried out, which will take more time to complete and more effort to check. 

- At walls edges/corners, bending moments concentration/peak is noticed. It seems extremely difficult to suffiently describe the model behaviour in these areas whith finite elements.

- In most every day cases, the spring stiffness is estimated by experience. More stiff springs will lead to higher/concentrated stresses under walls/columns. 

- The analysis of the superstructure should be done considering all vertical members (walls/columns) fixed at foundation level, unless specific reason exist. The design of the foundation should be done in a separate model, using springs. For this later analysis, superstructure results should be neglected.